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Vegetarian Thai Green Curry

11 Jun
Vegetarian Thai Green Curry (using Soy Milk)
By using commercial curry paste, making a pot of curry can be so simple. For this Thai Green Curry recipe, you may use other vegetables such as cauliflower, okra, carrot. I have reduced the amount of coconut milk used by diluting with water. Alternatively, you might use fresh soy milk to replace the coconut milk, if desired. For this quick curry, I had omitted the stir-fry of the curry paste and it is pretty easy to cook and taste good.
Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 15 mins

Ingredients (serves 2-3)
° 250ml fresh coconut milk or soy milk
° 2 tablespoons “Earthen Pot” green curry paste, or to taste
° 125ml water
° 100g eggplants(aubergine), cut into bite-sized pieces
° 2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
° 100g bamboo shoot, sliced
° 2 small firm tofu(beancurd), cut into cubes and deep-fried
° 4 young corns, halved
° 2 kaffir lime leaves, shredded
° 1 fresh green chilli, seeded and cut into large pieces
° 1 fresh red chilli, seeded and cut into large pieces

1. Throw in the coconut milk, green curry paste, eggplants, tomatoes, bamboo shoot, tofu, corn, water in a pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Add in the lime leaves. Season to taste with salt, sugar or light soy sauce, if necessary.
2. Garnish with chilli and serve hot with rice.

Oreo Banana Coconut Milk Shake

11 Jun
Yummy, tasty and easy to make soy milk shake that kids love it too.
Preparation: 5 mins

Ingredients (serves 1)
° 1 (100g) banana, peeled
° 125ml fresh coconut milk,
° 125ml fresh soy milk
° sugar (optional), to taste
° 1 oreo cookie, crushed

1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Taste it, add more sugar, if necessary. Chilled or serve with ice.

Watermelon & Pineapple Soy Milk Shake

11 Jun
Wow, a glass of watermelon and pineapple milkshake for a hot afternoon, it is so refreshing!

Preparation: 10 mins

Ingredients (serves 1)
° 100g watermelon, peeled and chopped
° 100g pineapple, peeled and chopped
° 125ml fresh soy milk
° sugar (optional), to taste

1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Taste it, add more sugar, if necessary. Chilled or serve with ice.

“Satay” Salad

11 Jun
This can be serves as a meal in itself. I just love the cucumber, onion and ketupat (pressed rice cake cooked in coconut leaf) dipping in the satay peanut sauce, that I can eat a whole big bowl of it without the satay. In this recipe, I used cylinder pressed rice instead of ketupat which is easily available in the supermarket.

Preparation: 10 mins, Cooking time: 5 mins
Ingredients (Serves 2)
° 2 fresh red chilli, seeded and chopped
° 2 red chilli padi (optional), seeded and chopped
° 2 slices ginger, chopped
° 1 stalk lemon grass, peel off outer layers leaving tender whitish centre, cut out 7.5cm, chopped
° 2 candlenuts, chopped
° ½ teaspoons vegetarian belacan powder
° 1 tablespoon carotino oil or vegetable oil
° ½ teaspoon tamarind/assam paste, knead with 150ml water and strained
° ½ teaspoon salt, or to taste
° 2 tablespoons black sugar or palm sugar, or to taste
° 125g grounded peanut powder or finely crushed roasted peanut

° 1-2 cucumbers, cut into bite-sizes
° 1onion, cut into wedges
° 200-300g pressed rice cake, steamed and cut into wedges

1. Grind chilli, ginger, lemongrass and candlenut into fine spice paste. Stir in vegetarian belacan powder and set aside.
2. Heat oil in a pot or wok, fry the spice paste for 1 minute or until fragrant. Stir in tamarind liquid and bring to a boil.
3. Stir in the black sugar, salt, peanut powder and bring to a boil. If the sauce is too thick, add some water. To thicken the sauce, add a little bit more peanut powder. Set aside.
4. Serve salad with peanut sauce or drizzle sauce over the salad.